Personal Coaching

  • One-on-One Coaching

  • Relationship Coaching

  • Unique, personal & proven effective

  • Sessions via Phone or Zoom

Below you can find a list of topics I work with clients on, the ability to schedule a session/purchase a package (be sure to scroll through to see all of the available options) and a handful of client testimonials.

  • Grief and healing

  • Dating and relationships

  • Self-worth/esteem/sabotage

  • Empowerment and self-care

  • Rebuilding and discovering YOU

  • Purpose, motivation and goal setting

  • Inner dialogue, resiliency & more

All communication is confidential. I am not a licensed clinician. No guarantee is made regarding outcomes of a session. I maintain a duty to warn & protect. If information is disclosed with intent to harm yourself/others, information may be reported to authorities.



“John has been with me through all of my dating ridiculousness. Through the guilt, the fear, and the self-doubt, John has walked with me every step of the way. I finally met a great guy and I almost didn’t give it a chance. I started to self-sabotage. I was a wreck. Working with John has truly helped me. I am happy again. I can’t believe I am saying that, but it is true. I am happy again.”


“My husband passed away in February of 2017 and I tried talking to other individuals who offered support. A few were helpful, but not to the extent that I needed. I needed someone who really understood, and someone who could help me figure out this new life of mine. John has succeeded in both of those roles. I have never met anyone who speaks of grief or life as John does. Working with him has changed my life. I can finally breathe again.”


“On my second call with John we discussed self-esteem and self-worth and how it impacts me and my relationships. During the course of that call I realized that some of my past relationships made me think that I am not good enough, and not deserving of happiness. Working with John has helped to changed my perspective. I am deserving of HAPPINESS!!!”


“Not to be dramatic, but honestly John has changed my life in so many ways. His words of wisdom have been priceless for me. He is my coach, but when talking to him it feels like I am talking to an old friend. Whether I’m having a grief day, or have met a new guy and am clueless on the next step, John walks me through it. Best of all, he calls me on my sh*t, but does so in a loving and effective way. He is absolutely the best at what he does.”


“Thanks to my sessions with John I can honestly say that I am no longer simply existing. I am actually living again, and I am growing into the person that I have always wanted to be.”
